This is an Action Figure Party that is worth opening those mint condition Star Wars figurines

- Artist: Action Figure Party
- Album: Action Figure Party
- Year: 2001
- Why I picked it up: The album art has fun imagery of an action figure with two torches, breathing fire, and the name was Action Figure Party, I was hoping it would end up being some comedic poppy music.
This album is very good. There, I said it. It has catchy tunes and its got a sound that would make an amazing background soundtrack to any work you have to do. The jazz pianist that plays on the album is truly amazing. The songs which do have lyrics are really superb, the vocals delivering a nice smooth addition to the jazzy backgrounds, and the instrumental jazz sessions are truly phenomenal, with the only drawback being that the same melodies and sounds tend to be recycled just a bit too often by every instrument except the keyboards. The slow tracks like "Green" also bring down the album, as they do not provide the required poppy hooks of the other tracks to make it listen-to-able.
A very nice piano-focused jazz sound with excellent sax, keyboards, guitar and more.
- Standout track: Where's The Moment
- MySpace: N/A
- How much I would've paid: $3
- Rating: 4/5
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